April 30, 2016

Acupuncture Licensure in Kentucky

Acupuncture licensure in Kentucky is governed by The Kentucky Board of Medical Li​censure (KBML). The board licenses physicians, physician assistants,...

March 7, 2016

Chinese Herbalism–Some Common Herbs

The following are examples of 100's of herbs used in Chinese Medicine. While these are available in retail sale, it is recommended that you consult a practitioner of Chinese herbalism regarding their appropriate use for any health concerns you have.

Louisville acupuncture
February 1, 2016

Quantum Qi–We are the Same as Everything

In Chinese medicine, qi (chee) is the most fundamentally basic, or quantum vital force, that flows through all life. Chinese medicine works at the level of qi.Qi permeates all that is. It flows in the human body through the meridian system where acupuncture intervenes to heal and to maintain health. The meridian system has been known and mapped for millenia, however modern science is just now conceptualizing it.

chinese herbalism in louisville
January 31, 2016

Chinese Herbal Medicine

The doctrines of Chinese medicine are rooted in books such as the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon and the Treatise on...