Acupuncture in Kentucky
Acupuncture practice in Kentucky is governed by the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure. Every acupuncturist is required to have a current license and to be in good standing. The board states: In Kentucky, the practice of acupuncture is defined as the insertion of acupuncture needles, with or without accompanying electrical or thermal stimulations, at certain acupuncture points or meridians on the surface of the human body for purposes of changing the flow of energy to the body and may include acupressure, cupping, moxibustion, or dermal friction. The practice of acupuncture shall not include laser acupuncture, osteopathic manipulative treatment, chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy, or surgery.
At minimum, Kentucky law states that an acupuncturist must have achieved a passing score on the acupuncture examination administered by the National Commission for Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine; … have graduated from a course of training of at least one thousand eight hundred (1,800) hours, including three hundred (300) clinical hours, that
is approved by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.*
For acupuncture in Louisville, Jeffrey Russell at Abacus Chinese Medicine is exceptionally qualified. He is licensed in Kentucky and nationally as an acupuncturist and practitioner of Chinese Medicine. He received his 4 year Master of Science degree from the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences in Oakland, CA. There he participated in approximately 3200 hours of training. He is also a Master of Auricular Medicine.
Jeffrey helped pioneer legislation governing the practice of acupuncture in Kentucky. He has been practicing in the Louisville area since 2002, coming here after spending 6 post-graduate months studying in Taiwan. After many years working in Louisville in his former clinic, he established a new one–Abacus Chinese Medicine–about 2 years ago. You can view his website here. He can be reached at 502 299-8900.