
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Services

Jeffrey practices multiple unique and highly effective styles of acupuncture and other therapies. They are all notably gentle and effective approaches. Additionally, Jeffrey offers specialized Chinese herbal medicine exclusive to the region.

Many of the methods below work with the body's system of fascia. Fascia is a fibrous connective tissue that forms a matrix throughout the body, interweaving all cells, tissues and structures. It lies between the skin and muscle, forming a web that is the largest system in the body and is in fact a living organ itself. The fascia web touches all other systems in the body. It is communicative, and forms pathways of support and nutrition.


The soft overcomes the hard;
the gentle overcomes rigid. Everyone knows this is true, but few can put it into practice.

—from the Tao Te Ching, verse 78

East Asian practices of Acupuncture

Abacus Chinese Medicine offers multiple methods of East Asian acupuncture, including Sheishin, Teishin, Koshi Balancing, Mitzutani Moxa, Japanese Acupuncture, and Sa’am Acupuncture.

Sheishin (Contact Needling)

Needles are used but do not pierce the skin. It is often used for needle-sensitive patients.  Though delicate, its effect can be profound.


The teishin is a gentle and effective tool for treating patients without inserting acupuncture needles. It is popular in Meridian Therapy and other styles of Traditional Japanese Medicine. Using a teishin causes no pain or discomfort, allowing practitioners to treat even the most sensitive of people. 

Koshi Balancing

Koshi Balancing focuses on two concepts, structural distortion and bio-tensegrity, to identify misalignment in the body. Seeing, palpation, movement, and acupoint stimulation are used to correct this misalignment. When the meridians are in structural alignment, qi flows, movements are graceful, and there is harmony in mind, body, and spirit.

Mitzutani Moxa

Mitzutani Sensei developed the technique of Direct Moxa. It is a gentle and non-invasive method used to stimulate blood circulation, boost the immune system, relieve pain, and treat a wide range of conditions.

Japanese Acupuncture

This is often a very shallow needling which can be just beneath the surface of the skin 1.5mm-6mm. The needles are hair like thin and are retained either just momentarily or for just a few minutes. This is often barely noticed by the patient.

Sa’am Acupuncture

Sa’am acupuncture is known as the medicine of wandering monks. It addresses physical, emotional and mental aspects. It merges well into other methods of East Asian medicine and is particularly effective in treating complicated illnesses.

Master Tung Acupuncture

Another style of acupuncture Jeffrey practices was taught by Grand Master Tung (董景昌大師) [pronounced “Dong”]. 

Master Tung’s approach is a highly effective system that uses points distal to the affected area. It differs significantly from the “canonized” version of acupuncture taught today in TCM academies in both Asian and Western academic settings.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Jeffrey’s Chinese herbal practice employs the concept of Fang Jia Fang or ‘formula plus formula’. This practice is not taught in the majority of Traditional Chinese Medicine schools in the U.S., but Jeffrey was fortunate to learn this very efficacious style of herbalism while interning with Jimmy Chang (Chang Wei-Yen) L.Ac. in Los Angeles. Chang is a world-renowned practitioner of Chinese medicine who is highly esteemed for his diagnostics and herbal prescriptions.

Unique to the Region

Jeffrey prepares customized herbal formulas at his clinic, Abacus Chinese Medicine.  His herbal medicine compounding pharmacy is unique in this region.

Jeffrey works with very exact herb extracts prepared in granular form. His practice is significantly different than that of herbalists who work with raw herbs, and consequently, there are significant therapeutic benefits of his work not found elsewhere. One such benefit is that Jeffrey’s method removes many barriers for patients in herbal treatment.

Authenticity, Sustainability,
Safety and Purity

The herbs used in Jeffrey’s pharmacy are obtained from growers who adhere to quality agricultural standards by testing soil and water for contaminants, and by employing sustainable farming practices. Geo-authenticity is also a standard because herbs grown in their indigenous regions have the best medicinal qualities.

Master herbalists make accurate identifications of the raw herbs used in Jeffrey’s formulas in multiple ways, including the use of electron microscopy to examine cellular structures. This means you can be assured you receive the exact species and variety of herb needed.

Master herbalists also carefully screen for heavy metals, parasites and bacteria in the raw herbs from which the extracts used in Jeffrey’s formulas are made. All of this elevates the use of Chinese herbs to standards of excellence, purity, safety and therapeutic value not found elsewhere. If you are considering Chinese herbal treatment, Jeffrey’s work is unique in this region, effective, and a benchmark of excellence in his profession.

Manual Medicine Therapies

TCM and principles of osteopathy are incorporated throughout his work, providing a unique and profound diagnostic approach and manual medicine therapy.

Muscle Energy Technique (MET)

This involves the patient actively contracting and relaxing specific muscles groups while the practitioner provides gentle manual guidance.


This is a therapeutic method that treats misalignment of the body. It releases abnormal tensions in the body which lead to functional and structural problems. This is accomplished not by force, but rather by inviting the body to relax, breathe and move in the direction of ease.

Koshi Balancing

Koshi Balancing focuses on two concepts, structural distortion and bio-tensegrity, to identify misalignment in the body. Seeing, palpation, movement, and acupoint stimulation are used to correct this misalignment. When the meridians are in structural alignment, qi flows, movements are graceful, and there is harmony in mind, body, and spirit.


This involves positioning the body so that targeted muscle groups are relieved of their load and pain is released.

Functional Release

This is a type of manual therapy to relieve pain, improve mobility and restore balance to the body. The goal is to release restrictions and promote optimal functioning.

Myofascial Release (Direct and Indirect)

This manual therapy is used to relieve pain and restricted movement caused by tension in the fascia. Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds muscles and organs in the body.

Applied Kinesiology (AK)

This uses manual muscle testing to diagnose and treat health problems. It is based on the principle that muscles reflect the health of underlying bodily systems and their association to nerves. 

Craniosacral Therapy

A manual therapy working with the subtle movement of cerebrospinal fluids that flow through the skull, spine and sacrum.