Vital Life Force in Chinese Medicine
Vital life force in Chinese Medicine is a concept that does not directly translate into Western medical thinking. Both medical...
Vital life force in Chinese Medicine is a concept that does not directly translate into Western medical thinking. Both medical...
The teishin is a tool used in needleless acupuncture. It is a small blunt ended instrument, often made of precious...
Treating GERD with Chinese Medicine is done through acupuncture, herbal medicine and guidance for lifestyle changes. GERD is a rather...
In Chinese medicine, qi (chee) is the most fundamentally basic, or quantum vital force, that flows through all life. Chinese medicine works at the level of qi.Qi permeates all that is. It flows in the human body through the meridian system where acupuncture intervenes to heal and to maintain health. The meridian system has been known and mapped for millenia, however modern science is just now conceptualizing it.
there must be a harmonious Qi-Energy resonance between the painter, the act of painting, and what is painted—that is what grants life to a painting. Looking at such art brings the observer into this single unified experience.