COVID Stages of Illness and Treatment
COVID stages of illness can frequently be alleviated by the use of Chinese herbal medicine. Medical practitioners in China have been mandated to use Chinese medicine in combination with other treatments in the pandemic because it is so effective. We have been fortunate to receive information from those practitioners as we deal with COVID in our own country.
Herbal medicines are now compounded in our pharmacy at Abacus Chinese Medicine by Jeffrey Russell. These are based on formulas used in the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan and specific to the COVID stages of illness. These have proven have proven very effective in China. The formulas contain antivirals and immune boosting ingredients as well as other ingredients to address the specific symptoms of each stage of illness.
Broadly speaking, we view and treat the COVID stages as:
1. Preventative–In this stage of herbal treatment, one has no symptoms, but is in an area of outbreak, or is close to someone who has symptoms, and so is at risk for exposure, or may have been exposed.
2. Influenza Stage–this stage can present with various signs and symptoms which require differential diagnosis and therefore different herbal formulas.
3. Pneumonia Stage–as with the influenza stage, there are various signs and symptoms that can present in this stage. These also require differential diagnosis for the appropriate herbal formulas to be given.
4. Recovery Stage–herbal formulas for the COVID-19 recovery phase are given to address the individual’s particular course of illness that was present.
Herbal medicines compounded in our pharmacy and based on formulas used in the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, China are now available at Abacus Chinese Medicine.
Contact us to inquire. Remote consultations by phone or video chat are available to provide social distancing if you are symptomatic or have tested positive.
(502) 299-8900 for new patients
(508) 237-3929 for established patients
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