Chinese Herbal Formulas and Applications
Los Angeles — Art of Medicine Press announces the release of Chinese Herbal Formulas and Applications, written and compiled by John K. Chen and Tina T. Chen. Regarding the text, John Chen says, “The content in this book represents the coming of age of contemporary resources merged with historical wisdom on medicinal herbal formulas for the 21st century.” Speaking of the anticipated audience for the book, Tina Chen comments, “This text will be of as much interest to established clinicians as to students, and to scientists and regulators as to educators. We’ve consciously designed the material to provide the greatest depth of information with the most practical ease of use.”
Commenting on the depth and breadth of material provided in the book, Tina Chen continues: “The challenge is to serve clinicians in modern practice while simultaneously deepening practitioner understanding of historical roots, and including the accumulated wealth of practical contemporary experience.” A major goal for the authors and editors was the incorporation of a wealth of contemporary scientific understanding and evidential resources from clinical studies and research, along with realistic appraisal of potential interactions in concurrent use of herbal medicinal formulas and pharmaceuticals, and more.
Comprehensive in scope, integrative in design, and authoritative in research and documentation, there is no other text of this kind and focus available in English today.
Chinese Herbal Formulas and Applications integrates contemporary understanding of the ancient practice of Chinese herbal medicine with essential safety information. John Chen says “This is essential for today’s context, in which use of pharmaceutical and traditional medicines is increasingly integrated in healthcare.” The text offers over 1600 information-rich pages to healthcare practitioners, researchers, educators and students for a lifetime of learning and practice:
- Intensive focus on 650 classical formulas
- far-reaching insights from academic, clinical, research and regulatory professionals;
- traditional uses and combinations, dosages, toxicology, cautions and contraindications;
- safety index, herb-drug interactions, clinical studies and research; and more.
Noted educator Giovanni Maciocia says “It is refreshing to have a Chinese medicine book that is easy to read and flows well. I love the sections on pharmacology, clinical research, and interaction with drugs.”
Co-author Minh Nguyen says, “Just overseeing and participating in editing this book has been a huge education. I see it as a lifelong continuing-education-course in a book.”
Chinese Herbal Formulas and Applications has had a long road to completion, representing countless hours of intensive work on the part of the authors and editors. Dr. John Chen and Eric Chen, LAc. began work on the book twenty years ago, and have been working to bring it into reality ever since. Tina Chen, LAc, joined in beginning in 2003, to add her perspective and creative impetus towards the finish line. Over 120 professionals from academia, clinical practice, research and regulatory agencies gave their input to the final product as contributing editors and peer reviewers.
For pre-release examination of features and portions of Chinese Herbal Formulas and Applications, visit the website or contact John Chen at Art of Medicine Press.