What’s a Good Herb for That? Chinese Herbal Medicine Pharmacy for Your Unique Health Needs
What’s a good herb for that? It’s a common question when it comes to herbalism. We are accustomed to an over-the-counter mindset after routinely seeing shelves of bottled herbs in drugstores and groceries. Jeffrey’s practice of Chinese herbal medicine however is not that simple in theory or practice. Customized prescriptions are given to meet every patient’s individualized needs. These prescriptions are compounded by Jeffrey in his Chinese herbal medicine pharmacy specifically for each person.
To better understand, think how much one person’s needs can vary from another’s, even though they share the same diagnosis. Let’s say for a simple example, the Chinese herbal treatment for asthma in an otherwise healthy 20 year old will be different than that for an elderly person who is similarly diagnosed but has other health problems.
This gives us a rather dramatic way to view differences within a single diagnosis, but consider too that among a group of seemingly similar patients, each needs a customized approach for good benefit. In short, there is no one-size-fits-all herbal remedy or dosage because people are individuals. This is why a diagnostic exam with a Chinese herbal medicine practitioner is crucial before prescriptions are given.
Jeffrey works with formulas of herbal extracts as well as with extracts of single herbs in his Chinese herbal medicine compounding pharmacy. A formula is a mix of various herbs that have been prepared together for a specific function, and is considered one ingredient in the prescriptions he prepares. A formula ingredient can have a wide range of various herbs that have been prepared together for a specific function, and multiple formulas are used to make one customized prescription. The particular mix and dosage is determined by your individual need. Jeffrey works with 200 different formulas and 200 single herbal extracts. These can be custom compounded in countless ways.
In-person consultation in the office is preferred so that the diagnostic process can be thorough. Tele-health appointments are available chiefly for those who are ill with COVID and cannot come into the clinic.
You may learn a bit more about the use of herbal extracts as Jeffrey practices here. If you would like to make an appointment, contact Jeffrey at (502) 299-8900. Texts are always more promptly received and answered.