January 13, 2016

Jeffrey Russell, Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist


jeffrey b w logoJeffrey Russell, M.S., D.O.M., is an acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist licensed both nationally and in the state of Kentucky. He completed his four-year Chinese medical degree at the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Science in Oakland, CA.

Jeffrey interned with the much revered Dr. Wei-Yen Chang in Los Angeles. Dr. Chang is jeff and dr. chang LA 2010edit2highly respected by senior practitioners the world over for his diagnostic techniques and compounding expertise in herbal medicine. You can read about Dr. Chang’s diagnostic work in his book, Pulsynergy. You can also see Jeffrey demonstrate Dr. Chang’s pulse techniques for practitioners here.

Jeffrey was awarded the title of Master of Auricular Medicine by Li-Chun Huang, MD.  He uses an auricular diagnostic protocol which is an objective, painless, and noninvasive method of diagnosis. His teacher, Dr. Huang, is the founder of the Auricular Medicine Institution and a world renowned practitioner and educator. You can hear Dr. Huang discuss Auricular Medicine here.jeff and huang edit2

For more information about Jeffrey’s practice of acupuncture, Chinese herbalism and other techniques, visit his website or contact him at his clinic, Abacus Chinese Medicine, in Louisville, KY at 502.299.8900.



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