May 12, 2024

Self-Healing and Manual Medicine Therapies at Abacus

Manual medicine practitioners emphasize the interconnectedness of bodily systems. While the musculoskeletal system may be the primary focus of a particular therapy, for example, it is seen as influencing, and being influenced by other body systems. Therefore, self-healing processes involve a complex system of biological responses. Some of these are the reduction of pain, inflammation and tension, an increase of the immune response, improved circulation, and tissue regeneration. All such natural processes work together to restore and maintain the body’s overall health and well-being.

manual therapies

Healthy lifestyle choices, proper nutrition, and regular exercise support and enhance the body’s self-healing mechanism. Manual medicine care routinely addresses lifestyle choices that can enhance treatment outcomes.

At Abacus Chinese Medicine, Jeffrey Russell, MS, DOM, L.Ac, provides a unique range of healthcare services. He incorporates principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a wide range of acupuncture techniques, Chinese herbal medicine, osteopathic principles, and a range of manual therapies into his practice.  One’s treatment plan may integrate several of these. Among the manual medicine methods used by Jeffrey are:

  • Applied Kinesiology (AK): Uses manual muscle testing to diagnose and treat health conditions by assessing the connection between muscles, bodily systems, and nerves.
  • Craniosacral Therapy: Hands-on therapy focusing on subtle movement of cerebrospinal fluids within the skull, spine, and sacrum.
  • Functional Release: Manual therapy aimed at relieving pain, enhancing mobility, and restoring balance by releasing restrictions.
  • Japanese Acupuncture: Often a very shallow needling just beneath the skin’s surface with hair like thin needles that are retained only momentarily or for just a few moments.
  • Koshi Balancing: Focuses on structural distortion and bio-tensegrity to identify and correct misalignments through observation, touch, movement, and acupressure.
  • Mitzutani Moxa: This is a gentle and non-invasive moxibustion method used to stimulate blood circulation, boost the immune system, relieve pain, and treat a wide range of conditions.
  • Muscle Energy Technique (MET): The patient actively contracts and relaxes specific muscle groups while the practitioner offers gentle manual guidance.
  • Myofascial Release (Direct and Indirect): Technique to alleviate pain and restricted movement caused by fascial tension.
  • Sa’am Acupuncture: This method addresses physical, emotional and mental health aspects. It is particularly effective in treating complicated illnesses.
  • Sheishin (Contact Needling: Needles are used but do not pierce the skin. It is often used for needle-sensitive patients. Though delicate, its effect can be profound.
  • Sotai: A therapeutic method for addressing body misalignments by releasing abnormal tensions through relaxation, breathwork, and gentle movement.
  • Strain/Counterstrain: Alleviating muscle load and pain by adjusting body positioning.
  • Teishin: A gentle and effective tool used instead of inserted acupuncture needles. It causes no pain or discomfort, allowing practitioners to treat even the most sensitive of people.

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