

Louisville acupuncture
March 9, 2016

A Benchmark for World Health

Herbal medicine... has contributed significantly to man's struggle against disease and has been an important component of health care systems for thousands of years. China has a long history of herbal medicine and has developed a unique system for using it. --World Health Organization

March 7, 2016

Chinese Herbs–The Flowers

While these and other herbs are available in retail sale, it is recommended that you consult with a practitioner of Chinese herbalism for indications of use, formulations and dosage. There is potential for contradindication given one's specific health status. There is also potential for toxicity when dosage is not appropriately monitored.

March 7, 2016

Chinese Herbalism–Some Common Herbs

The following are examples of 100's of herbs used in Chinese Medicine. While these are available in retail sale, it is recommended that you consult a practitioner of Chinese herbalism regarding their appropriate use for any health concerns you have.